Terms & Conditions
Refund & Returns Policy

We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and aim to offer an unrivalled shopping experience for everyone. Occasionally we all make purchases we’re not 100% happy with, which is why we like to make life as easy as possible and offer a full refund when you return any unused items, in a resalable condition and in their original packaging within 30 days.

Speedy Returns

We will process your return within 72 hours of receipt and issue an email confirmation of the refund. Depending on your bank/card issuer it can take between 3-5 days for the money to appear in your bank account

We will refund the original delivery charge only if a complete order is returned within the first 14 days after the invoice date.

  • For security reasons we cannot refund a different card to the one you made the original purchase with.
  • For security reasons we can only send out replacement items to the address used in your original order.

Damaged or Faulty Items

If your item has arrived damaged or in poor condition please take images of the damage and send these to us at kimandjohn@thetangerinetree.co.uk with your order number and we will deal with this straight away.